History of Italian cheeses

Cheese has been around since at least 8000 years. It 's a great way to get the nutritional value of milk produced, and tends to taste very good. Cheese has its origin in the Middle East. The people were famous for their ability to cheese production. The Roman Empire is the cheese and refined the process of making cheese in an 'art. Had smoked separate kitchen exclusively for the production of cheese and cheese centers where people could take it.

When the Roman Empire to spreadEurope, the secrets of cheese with him. After the collapse of the empire, and the cheese was isolated regions developed their own unique types of cheese. The Middle Ages were a period of little innovation was the cheese-making concern, as well. As the monks kept alive the tradition through the Middle Ages, the cheese has become less popular as it is considered unhealthy.

This has changed in the early 19th Century. The transition to industrialization has brought a renewedThe interest in cheese factories and started production. Pasteurization, the process of sterilization of milk, cheese helped to popularize as it was healthier than thought. Until the 20th century, had always considered cheese a specialty food. With the ability to mass production, the cheese was a staple of most diets. It has flourished in the types available. Italy alone has nearly four hundred varieties of cheese.

Italian cheeses can be found in a number of local dealers inTheir region. Whether you want mozzarella on a homemade pizza, fontina cheese in a fondue pot or a dinner with a red wine Gorgonzola development of Italian cheeses loved the taste, character and wealth for every day diet. Cheese, like most aspects of life should be enjoyed in moderation - but if you like a healthy way, a bit 'of Italian history.


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