Mom: The Dog and the cooking segment. Now I'm not one to over promise ... cuz Transmogrifying decorate in a dead man on Strauss and renting a house and so on ... you can not really risk that I call anticipointment (ie, anticipation followed by disappointment) with this material. So, beware, this is not the crazy, the segment HotMess in the set, but wait, theres more to come now ... Here Mama a bike ride in a casual sweater dazzling Day-Glo-green. then you have a lot freeThe meat of their local Burger for their four-legged friends. Finally, the mother is worse than the ass of the Louisiana shrimp dip. No wonder the dogs are common Hamburger radicals. I also remember the mother's problems with adjectives modified nouns. Chaffing dish, is not it? Fondue pot, anyone? Crackers, geometric pattern? He said that? I do not know. The hard to hear, as you know Iz-blinded by the appearance regurgitational post-dip to 360 degrees and the embarrassing crap that is red, and the shoulder of footballPad sweater. And since I'm all about subtext, such as strawberries in the crockpot fugly? Strawberries ... hmmm ... I'm just wondering ... As always they are too short ... more



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