What is Shabu Shabu

In the 20th Century has introduced a new course for Japan. The Hot Pot Shabu Shabu his court appearance and has been enjoyed in Asia for countries in each. As with other Japanese dishes called Sukiyaki Shabu Shabu is more popular in the Western world. The cities that have a large Asian population and authentic Japanese and Korean restaurants in the city all these delicious and healthy dishes on the menu. He gained even more popularity in the film "Lostin Translation starring Scarlett Johansson and Bill Murray while they dined at a shabu shabu restaurant.

Shabu shabu is a traditionally a beef dish served with vegetables and sometimes ponzu sauce (citrus sauce) or raw egg. The dish is prepared by taking a fondue like pot filled with boiling water then taking thinly sliced pieces of beef and swishing the meat back and forth into the pot until the is browned. How brown is up to the diner. The word "shabu" means swish, so therefore the name is referring to the sound the made water when the meat is being stroked back and forth.

There are a few different ways to prepare the dish. Some people like to add seaweed, kelp or moo to add flavor to the water. While this dish started as a beef dish, recipes have used pork, lobster, duck, crab or chicken. For enhanced flavor some recipes may call for wagy, a Japanese beef. The vegetables served depend on the cook, but can include Chinese cabbage, nori, Mushrooms, carrots and watercress and chrysanthemum leaves. Different types of pasta can be served with the dish. It is to be served over rice and unusual, because many will use the broth for a soup after the meat and vegetables are eaten.

Shabu Shabu is great social dinner. Just like a fondue, guests prepare each piece before it is eaten. The fact that this meal is so easy to do, yet so full of flavor makes it a hit worldwide. Can be found onlineseveral recipes using different ingredients for the meat, broth, dipping sauces and vegetables. Ingredients shouldn't be too hard to find as a lot towns and cities have at least a small Asian district to where one can get supplies. Even major groceries will carry some Asian products.

Anyone looking to bring a quick, delicious Japanese meal into their home to share with friends and loved ones should definitely give shabu shabu a try.


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