Health benefits of raw garlic

The Chinese have known the benefits of raw garlic for thousands of years. In China, besides being used to flavor food, garlic is also traditionally used in teas and home remedies. Why? Garlic is one of the best drivers of the nature of the immune system, and a powerful aid of antibiotics, digestive and libido enhancer. As discussed below, these are just some of the health benefits of raw garlic.

However, while the health benefits and garlic are numerous medications can alsooverheat your system if you eat too much. According to traditional therapy in the Chinese diet garlic is hot in nature and a powerful stimulant. Therefore, people who have excess body heat in the first place the balance of your system. Excessive internal heat comes from eating too much food and drink heating, for example, meat, fried foods, coffee and alcohol. This causes symptoms like red eyes, bad breath, constipation, yellow urine, yellow tongue moss and acne. If you have these symptoms,eliminate or reduce significantly above that of their diet for a couple of weeks before you start eating garlic regularly, or just warm your body and your symptoms.

are some of the drugs and the health benefits of garlic. Next Note: For all the benefits of raw garlic, you have to do exactly that - to believe! Commercial garlic pills, tablets, capsules and oils, especially those who have no odor, are often lack of active enzymes that offer benefits.Crushed, raw garlic can be mixed into almost every meal, or put into capsules easier to swallow drunk as a tea or a simple grinding or 2 cloves and add hot water. These methods may not be very attractive, but want the benefits or not?

Health benefits and medicinal garlic

powerful immune system activator antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral - effective remedy for yeast infections and candida Clears boils and appetite increases infected woundstract - especially good if eaten with the meat increases libido - take several pods first expels intestinal parasites and worms days Reduces high cholesterol

Use the resources cloves garlic

Some Chinese medicines with garlic as the main ingredient. These are common, traditional Chinese methods use the benefits of raw garlic.

garlic tea: Place 1 or 2 cloves crushed garlic and 1 or 2 grams of loose leaf greentea in a teapot. Add one or two teaspoons of unrefined brown sugar, if desired. Pour boiling water allow to cool slightly. Stir and let stand for several minutes before drinking. Then let the ingredients in the pot, as you can fill with more water once or twice during the day. is a common home remedy for killing germs and the resolution of the toxins in the body. The nose drops of garlic: This is a preventive for colds and sinusitisproblems. Crush several cloves of garlic to obtain juice. Mix with hot water in a ratio of two parts water to one part garlic juice. Bed and use a dropper to place drops in each nostril as soon as you feel symptoms coming. Continue as necessary. If the drops also irritate the nose to stop or reduce the number of drops. Crush the garlic paste 2 cloves garlic and mix with a few drops of pure sesame oil to make a paste for outdoorimplementation of boils, Anthrax and infected wounds. Cover and reapply when the paste dries and falls. If the skin gets very irritated or suspend use to wait a day or two and try again.

Maximize the health benefits of raw garlic

To get all the benefits of raw garlic, either in salads, tea, or capsule, it is important that you eat less refined, processed foods and canned goods and more and more closely their natural state as possible. After all,What is the point of consumption of fresh raw garlic to improve their health, while, for example, continuing to eat healthfully, death, unwanted toxins in food production?


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